Friday, July 4, 2008

It Takes Children To Raise A Village

In my village, PK-10 (the mile-marker that acts as it's name), the children are what make the world go around. While parents and other adults like myself are too fatigued by the heat to do anything more than lounge in our own sweat, the kids run errands and do chores. If my host mom is sitting on one side of our tent and my host dad is sitting on the other side, she will yell for a kid to come from several houses down to bring a cup of tea from her to my host dad.

I've made it my goal to learn Hassaniya at least well enought to get the kids to help me with the garden. I can currently say "I want lots of poop/butter (the words are very similar) in garden. Children come! Take (as I hand them a bucket)! Poop/butter!" Most of the time they just laugh at me but I think I'm starting to make progress with them.

I'm on a borrowed computer in Rosso, so I can't write much for the time being. My computer and solar charger are in storage as I was only allowed to take one bag to my PST site. For the next few days if anyone wants to call me you can get my phone number & country code from Lindsey and I'll turn my phone on for a few minutes at 10pm my time, 3pm Pacific. If my battery runs out it should go right to my voicemail... Hope all is well, I miss you guys!


Catherine said...

Janna! yay:0) poop/butter makes me laugh. :0) it's good to hear news from Mauritania. I don't have Lindsay's contact info, or I'd try calling you. I'll try to see if I can get it in a roundabout way. I miss thee! Love!

Anonymous said...

Love and miss you Janna! I LOVE the poop/butter story. It made me laugh cause it was such a Janna thing to happen.

Love ya!

You are so awesome.

Anonymous said...


I'm a friend of Amber Blahnik's, who pointed me to your blog. It's excellent, and I hope you can keep it up. The electricity thing can be a challenge, as well as the weather interruptions.

My daughter Rachel is currently starting her second year in the Peace Corps in Cameroon. Time does go by fast, and it may be that the best result is people like her (and you) whose horizons will forever be broadened. Hang in there!